Accountants and Advisors for growing businesses

How to be a Brilliant Coach

“If a good coach can make a measurable impact on performance, imagine what a Brilliant Coach can do!”

There’s no doubt about it, coaching works. But… the extent to which it works depends on the skill of the coach.

Coaching is not the same as training. It’s not the same as mentoring. It’s not the same as giving advice. In fact, ‘coaching’ is one of those words that means different things to different people.

Pentland’s client Brilliant Minds have done a LOT of coaching over many years, mainly in the corporate setting. Over the last few years, they have worked on distilling the essence of a Brilliant Coach and creating a model of the essential skills that go with it. They have also uncovered the essential mindset that goes with those skills. You probably won’t be surprised to read that the mindset piece is actually the most significant.

The Brilliant Minds 3-day ‘How to be a Brilliant Coach’ training programme runs 22 – 24 February 2022 with a follow-up review day later in the year.

If you’re a coach…

This programme is for you to take your skills to the next level. In four days, you get more development of your skill in working one-to-one than you would ever have believed possible. The combination of NLP models, extensive practice and high quality, precision feedback takes you way beyond your current awareness – that’s a promise.

But it’s not ONLY for coaches…

According to a CIPD Survey Report, coaching by LINE MANAGERS is among organisations’ most effective learning and talent development practices.

If you lead a team, your ability to coach each person individually, when they most need it, probably represents your greatest value to the organisation. What could be more useful than being able to maintain high levels of performance from everyone who reports to you. (And some who don’t!)

What could be more useful than the ability to increase performance when times are tough?

We can’t think of a single reason why you as a manager or leader WOULDN’T want to be a Brilliant Coach!

If you’re interested in finding out more, all the details are here: