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Capellas Nursery celebrate achievement of their Millie’s Mark Award

Congratulations to Pentlands client Capellas Nursery in Solihull who have received the Millie’s Mark Award for going above and beyond the minimum requirements in paediatric first aid. This is a highly award selective award with Capellas being the first Nursery in Solihull to receive it. With its robust processes and documentation, the nursery staff strive to keep children safe by minimising risks and accidents which give parents that greater reassurance.

Capellas Nursery Solihull has been awarded Mille’s Mark by National Day Nurseries Association in collaboration with the Department for Education and Millie’s Trust. Millie’s Mark is named after Millie Thompson, who tragically died as a result of choking in a nursery in 2012. Her parents Dan and Joanne Thompson have campaigned for all staff to have paediatric first aid training and having Millie’s Mark demonstrates that nurseries have met this. In addition, it shows they work hard to keep these crucial skills in the forefront of employee’s minds, so they are competent and can apply them in any situation.