Accountants and Advisors for growing businesses

1 Boat 4 Rowers 3,000 Miles of Ocean

Pentlands client Duncan Nealon along with Imogen Yeoman, Patrick Lamb and Rod Adlington, have set themselves a challenge to row, unsupported, from Tenerife to Barbados.

Whilst they are not attempting this within the support and construct of the official Atlantic Race, The Brightsides Crew will be following the course of the very first race, back in 1997.

They envisage that it will take them 6 – 7 weeks.

As part of their journey, they are looking to raise money for four incredible charities. Each for different, and personal reasons.

If you would like and are able to donate to any of their charities, they would be extremely grateful. For more information, please follow this link through to their Just Giving Page.

They have been overwhelmed by the support they have already received, in the form of sponsorship – both financial, and the offer of products and services. They are very happy to hear from additional potential sponsors. If you would like to support their challenge, and `join them’ as they take on the Atlantic, either in a corporate or personal matter, please drop them a note via the link below:

Source:| 22-08-2022